How Does An Attorney At My Office Evaluate a Car Accident Claim?
First, we look at the facts surrounding the accident? Is there clear liability – such as being rear-ended or someone turning left in front of you, or drunk driver.
Second, we look to see what your medical damages are. If it’s just a stubbed toe, even though your car is totaled, it’s probably not a high end case and you were probably very lucky.
Third, we look at whether we can meet our client’s goals. If we can’t we don’t take the case because we know this is a stressful time for you and we only want client’s we feel that we can possibly help. If we can’t meet your goals, we shouldn’t take your case.
Fourth, we look to see if it is a case that we can devote the attention to it that you deserve. If we can’t, we’ll be honest and try to find you another attorney or help you do the case yourself – you’d be surprised at the number of cases people can do themselves and save a lot of money in attorney’s fees.
Fifth, we look to the potential client themselves – is this person someone we want to work for and with for an extended period of time while we work on getting them the most we can get them for their case.
WARNING SIGNS in car accident cases we probably won’t take. Any case where you yourself were driving without insurance. Cases where you have had numerous car accident claims before which resulted in injuries.